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  • Member since : 26-05-2023

  • Comment(s) : 0

  • Games played : 93
  • Games played (since v5) : 932

  • Number of stars : 243

  • Avg Max Score % : 97.77%

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  • Tournament participation : 61
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  • GeoPoints : 17725
  • Honor Roll Ranking : 13


  • 1
  • 16
  • 42
  • 18
  • 6
  Theme Name Best scores Date Top
1 USA Quiz : U.S. States 39388 2023-08-03 5% 6th / 122
2 USA U.S. Cities - junior 100090 2023-08-30 10% 10th / 120
3 World Capitals of the World 51455 2023-08-31 10% 11th / 142
4 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 104240 2023-10-22 10% 9th / 98
5 World Physical Geography of the World 220451 2023-06-17 10% 8th / 128
6 USA Neighborhoods of Manhattan 164727 2024-04-19 10% 7th / 87
7 America Countries of Central America 162405 2023-09-22 10% 11th / 110
8 Canada Physical Geography of Canada 163376 2023-05-30 10% 10th / 104
9 World Cities of Tunisia 110229 2024-11-23 10% 4th / 68
10 World Cities of Morocco 112722 2024-12-18 10% 5th / 89
11 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 40624 2023-06-02 10% 10th / 174
12 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 214016 2023-10-20 10% 12th / 122
13 World Cities of Africa 138161 2024-01-19 10% 10th / 113
14 Europa Cities of France 107547 2023-11-06 10% 11th / 143
15 Europa Cities of France - Expert 105034 2024-03-20 10% 9th / 97
16 UK Regions of Scotland 141582 2023-09-23 10% 11th / 113
17 World Cities of Russia 133145 2023-10-23 10% 5th / 76
18 Europa Cities of Europe 99986 2023-09-21 20% 26th / 170
19 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 100716 2023-11-23 20% 22th / 148
20 World Cities of the World 186374 2023-12-31 20% 29th / 165
21 USA U.S. States 185693 2024-03-29 20% 19th / 177
22 Europa Regions of Italy 151121 2024-10-30 20% 16th / 113
23 Europa Cities of Spain 110327 2024-01-03 20% 20th / 100
24 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 145612 2023-09-22 20% 22th / 123
25 World Physical Geography of the World Junior 234877 2023-06-17 20% 12th / 115
26 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 163408 2024-10-03 20% 17th / 101
27 Oceania Countries of Oceania 157259 2023-09-02 20% 15th / 123
28 World Countries of Africa 188897 2023-09-13 20% 21th / 147
29 Europa Countries of Europe 185318 2024-05-26 20% 28th / 200
30 World Countries of Asia 176630 2023-09-22 20% 16th / 129
31 America Countries of South America 114287 2023-09-20 20% 30th / 153
32 World Countries of Middle East 159214 2023-06-08 20% 28th / 146
33 World Cities of the World Junior 192670 2023-12-31 20% 17th / 141
34 Canada Cities of Canada 93866 2023-11-10 20% 12th / 94
35 Europa Rivers of Europe 225623 2023-09-18 20% 10th / 95
36 USA States Flags 22892 2023-10-27 20% 12th / 96
37 USA What is this state ? 23617 2023-09-06 20% 25th / 156
38 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - EXPERT 213818 2023-05-28 20% 11th / 74
39 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 209080 2023-05-27 20% 15th / 94
40 World Antartica 224002 2023-09-27 20% 15th / 101
41 World The Arctic 230602 2023-07-06 20% 11th / 89
42 Oceania Cities of New Zealand - Junior 84223 2024-12-14 20% 14th / 70
43 Europa Cities of Germany 113808 2023-12-14 20% 11th / 98
44 Europa Länder of Germany 145913 2023-10-25 20% 15th / 114
45 World Cities of Middle East 121329 2024-03-30 20% 21th / 107
46 Oceania Cities of Australia - Junior 122798 2023-09-30 20% 17th / 104
47 World Flags of the World - Expert 54501 2023-06-03 20% 16th / 113
48 World Capitals of the World - Expert 50398 2024-02-22 20% 13th / 102
49 USA Counties of California 177502 2023-09-28 20% 9th / 73
50 Oceania Cities of New Zealand 80728 2024-12-14 20% 10th / 66
51 USA Cities of New York 106984 2023-07-21 20% 16th / 82
52 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 95601 2023-06-17 20% 15th / 126
53 World Federal Districts of Russia 215606 2023-08-23 20% 8th / 62
54 UK London Boroughs 162107 2024-01-03 20% 16th / 86
55 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 99561 2023-09-22 20% 19th / 142
56 Canada Physical Geography of Canada - Expert 170236 2024-02-14 20% 14th / 87
57 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 113936 2023-11-27 20% 12th / 111
58 World States of India 222634 2023-09-19 20% 11th / 91
59 World Countries of the Northern Hemisphere 160551 2023-12-29 20% 20th / 108
60 World Flags of the World 51957 2023-10-08 30% 34th / 160
61 UK Cities of U.K. - junior 113655 2024-05-08 30% 26th / 110
62 Europa Cities of Italy 105575 2024-11-28 30% 20th / 99
63 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 89038 2024-05-08 30% 21th / 89
64 Canada Cities of Canada - junior 91637 2023-11-09 30% 25th / 94
65 Europa Countries of E.U 159832 2023-08-31 30% 40th / 170
66 World Cities of Asia 107435 2024-11-24 30% 29th / 103
67 Oceania Cities of Australia 94676 2025-01-07 30% 19th / 83
68 USA Cities of Texas 66827 2024-07-24 30% 18th / 82
69 USA Cities of California 84716 2024-11-15 30% 25th / 87
70 World Provinces of China 158208 2023-09-23 30% 22th / 94
71 World Cities of the World Expert 182440 2024-10-17 30% 32th / 122
72 World Cities of Japan - Expert 106497 2024-04-11 30% 18th / 66
73 World Prefectures of Japan 158866 2023-07-07 30% 23th / 82
74 World Cities of Japan 111790 2024-09-05 30% 15th / 72
75 Canada Provinces of Canada 141228 2023-09-06 30% 36th / 159
76 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 221679 2023-09-15 30% 38th / 132
77 UK Cities of U.K. 106658 2024-05-08 30% 32th / 109
78 World Cities of Algeria 67881 2024-04-04 40% 21th / 67
79 World Cities of India - Expert 64399 2023-08-04 40% 23th / 66
80 World Cities of India 97510 2024-10-17 40% 24th / 73
81 UK Counties of England 225823 2023-11-11 40% 33th / 108
82 World Cities of China 105086 2024-04-25 40% 28th / 73
83 Europa Cities of Portugal 101413 2024-07-19 40% 36th / 92
84 USA Counties of New York 161537 2024-09-27 50% 28th / 65
85 USA Cities of Florida 86369 2024-09-12 50% 30th / 72
86 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 86397 2024-07-11 50% 57th / 119
87 World Cities of China - Expert 84347 2024-07-18 50% 33th / 71
88 USA U.S. Cities 74876 2024-07-14 70% 98th / 146
89 America Cities of Central America 89794 2024-05-26 70% 60th / 87
90 Canada Cities of Canada - Expert 51043 2024-05-26 80% 56th / 79
91 World Cities of Russia - Expert 128268 2024-12-25 80% 26th / 34
92 America Cities of South America 100780 2024-05-26 90% 82th / 101