The site is published by JEUX AND CO registered with the R.C.S. JEUX AND CO,
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CNIL number: 1499623
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In accordance with the provisions of article 34 of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access to the data which concern you with the Société des Jeux Culturels.
Intellectual property
Pursuant to the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, you shall refrain from reproducing for any use other than private, but also from selling, distributing, issue, distribute, adapt, modify, publish, communicate in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site without the prior written authorization of the Société des Jeux Culturels. The site managers can in no way be held responsible for the content entered online. The only commitment we make is not to publish any content that is offensive, abusive or unrelated to the theme of the site.
Child protection
The site is labeled ICRA. The Internet Content Rating Association (ICRA) is an international non-profit organization that brings together Internet leaders and aims to build a safer Internet. ICRA has long believed that self-regulation would strike a better balance between the free flow of digital content and the protection of children from potentially harmful content. Internet users, and in particular parents of young children, can then use filtering software to authorize or deny access to certain Web sites based on the information present in the label. An important point: the Internet Content Rating Association does not rate website content - content providers do, using the ICRA labeling system. CIFAR makes no value judgments about the sites.
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You may only use the website for purposes approved by law. You are prohibited from using the website to offer or transmit any material, or take any action whatsoever, that:
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harm, harass, degrade or intimidate people or groups of people on the basis of religion, gender, sexual preference, race, ethnic group, age or disability;
impersonate any person, company or business, including the Société des Jeux Culturels, its employees and its representatives;
contain software viruses or other computer code, files or programs of any kind that interrupts, destroys or limits the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications device, or that in any way permits unauthorized use authorized from a computer or computer network;
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conflict with these Terms of Use or any other rules posted on the Website; or which are detrimental to the use of the website by third parties. Pursuant to the French Code of Intellectual Property and, more generally, international treaties and agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright, you shall refrain from reproducing for any use other than private, but also from selling, distributing, issue, distribute, adapt, modify, publish, communicate in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organization of the site without the prior written authorization of the Société des Jeux Culturels. You are prohibited from using the website in any way that could damage, disable, overburden or limit our servers or networks, or to prejudice the use and enjoyment of the website by others. You are prohibited from attempting to gain unauthorized access to any services, user accounts, computer systems or networks through hacking, password harvesting or any other means. We are authorized to take all legal and technical measures to prevent any breach of this clause and to ensure the application of these terms of use.
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You are prohibited from using the Website or any of our communication tools to send, directly or indirectly, large amounts of unwanted communications (including emails and instant messaging). You are prohibited from collecting information about our users to send or facilitate the sending of large amounts of unwanted information. You are prohibited from inducing or authorizing third parties to contravene the provisions of this article. We may immediately terminate your access to or use of the Website and take legal action if you, or anyone using your access, acts in breach of these terms. We are authorized to take all necessary technical measures to prevent the entry, use or storage of large quantities of unwanted communications on our computer or communication networks.
Discipline and friendliness
In order to maintain user-friendliness within it and to fight against cheating, Geographical reserves the right to suspend or restrict access to the site to anyone, without notice or motivation. Under the same conditions Geographic reserves the right to delete a user's account or the scores of one or all of the games.
Any player recognized or suspected of using unauthorized means (software "cheat Engines", flaws in the game system or recording of scores) to inflate their scores will be banned without warning, regardless of their status (registered or Premium) on the site A Premium player banned from cannot claim a refund for his premium subscription regardless of the start date of said subscription.
Similarly, any player with several accounts to appear several times in the high score columns is liable to banishment and the deletion of their accounts.
Discharge of responibility
Geographical cannot be held responsible for the use made of the information contained on the site. Geographical is bound only by an obligation of means concerning the information that it makes available to people who access its website. Geographical cannot be held responsible for the content of the sites to which the links point on its pages.
Protection of personal data – CNIL declaration
In accordance with the French law N 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms (CNIL), any user having deposited on this site information directly or indirectly nominative, can request the communication of nominative information concerning him via the contact form and have them rectified if necessary. Contact us