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7 206
Class. top : 23.31%

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    • Member since : 02-08-2023

    • Comment(s) : 0

    • Games played : 47
    • Games played (since v5) : 173

    • Number of stars : 93

    • Avg Max Score % : 78.83%

    • In high score lists : 0
    • Is in the favorites of 2 player(s)

    • Tournament participation : 2
    • Tournaments won : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 10 : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 20 : 2
    • Tournaments in the top 50 : 2
    • Tournaments in the top 100 : 2
    • GeoPoints : 525
    • Honor Roll Ranking : 102


    • 8
    • 4
    • 8
      Theme Name Best scores Date Top
    1 Europa Cities of Europe 99960 2023-09-12 20% 27th / 170
    2 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 100465 2023-11-24 20% 26th / 148
    3 World Capitals of the World 49005 2023-10-11 20% 16th / 142
    4 Europa Länder of Germany 146204 2023-08-03 20% 13th / 114
    5 World Cities of Asia 109192 2023-11-24 20% 17th / 103
    6 World Cities of Africa 136808 2023-08-02 20% 19th / 113
    7 USA U.S. Cities - junior 99176 2023-08-03 20% 18th / 120
    8 Canada Provinces of Canada 141405 2023-08-03 20% 31th / 159
    9 USA U.S. States 178294 2023-08-03 30% 37th / 177
    10 Oceania Countries of Oceania 153292 2023-08-03 30% 32th / 123
    11 Europa Cities of Germany 112159 2023-12-04 30% 20th / 98
    12 World Capitals of the World - Expert 44403 2023-08-28 30% 28th / 102
    13 Europa Countries of E.U 156207 2023-08-02 40% 68th / 170
    14 America Cities of Central America 101728 2023-08-04 40% 33th / 87
    15 UK Regions of Scotland 140149 2023-08-02 40% 34th / 113
    16 World Cities of the World Expert 177270 2023-09-29 40% 45th / 122
    17 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 96410 2023-08-26 40% 56th / 142
    18 UK London Boroughs 154750 2023-12-18 40% 26th / 86
    19 World Flags of the World - Expert 49377 2023-08-02 40% 36th / 113
    20 USA What is this state ? 22262 2023-08-03 40% 48th / 156
    21 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 142230 2023-10-02 50% 51th / 123
    22 World Cities of Morocco 70059 2023-11-11 50% 38th / 89
    23 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 34321 2023-08-22 50% 86th / 174
    24 World Cities of Middle East 113812 2023-08-04 50% 52th / 107
    25 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 88868 2023-08-28 50% 53th / 126
    26 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 90877 2023-08-26 50% 52th / 111
    27 USA U.S. Cities 89103 2023-08-28 50% 61th / 146
    28 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 85947 2023-08-22 50% 59th / 119
    29 Canada Cities of Canada 72212 2023-09-04 50% 42th / 94
    30 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 207508 2023-08-28 50% 61th / 132
    31 USA Quiz : U.S. States 21598 2023-11-16 50% 52th / 122
    32 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 95452 2023-10-15 60% 53th / 98
    33 America Cities of South America 118088 2023-08-28 60% 59th / 101
    34 Oceania Cities of Australia 60492 2023-09-29 60% 48th / 83
    35 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 140839 2023-08-26 70% 63th / 101
    36 UK Cities of U.K. - junior 91072 2023-08-02 70% 77th / 110
    37 Oceania Cities of Australia - Junior 70748 2023-11-15 70% 65th / 104
    38 Europa Cities of Italy 70086 2023-12-12 80% 79th / 99
    39 UK Cities of U.K. 68655 2023-09-02 80% 85th / 109
    40 World Cities of India - Expert 26299 2023-08-02 80% 51th / 66
    41 Europa Cities of Spain 30845 2023-10-02 90% 88th / 100
    42 Europa Rivers of Europe 77828 2023-08-22 90% 80th / 95
    43 World Cities of Tunisia 34948 2023-08-03 90% 57th / 68
    44 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 76271 2023-08-02 90% 99th / 122
    45 Europa Regions of Italy 76422 2023-08-28 100% 108th / 113
    46 Europa Cities of France 43600 2023-11-28 100% 135th / 143
    47 USA Cities of Florida 40052 2023-08-02 100% 67th / 72