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6 092
Class. top : 26.14%

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    A few words about me...

    My name is Muntjax/Owen and I like memes

    ME. ME

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    • Member since : 22-09-2023

    • Comment(s) : 4

    • Games played : 24
    • Games played (since v5) : 110

    • Number of stars : 35

    • Avg Max Score % : 62.84%

    • In high score lists : 0
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    • Tournament participation : 3
    • Tournaments won : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 10 : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 20 : 0
    • Tournaments in the top 50 : 3
    • Tournaments in the top 100 : 3
    • GeoPoints : 650
    • Honor Roll Ranking : 96


      Theme Name Best scores Date Top
    1 Europa Countries of Europe 166915 2024-02-04 60% 107th / 200
    2 World Countries of Middle East 147726 2024-02-01 60% 87th / 146
    3 Europa Cities of Europe 92003 2023-12-12 70% 115th / 170
    4 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 33072 2024-01-20 70% 108th / 174
    5 Europa Countries of E.U 151797 2024-02-12 70% 103th / 170
    6 World Antartica 99233 2024-01-30 70% 66th / 101
    7 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 94788 2023-11-24 80% 112th / 148
    8 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 85231 2023-12-12 80% 72th / 98
    9 World Cities of Middle East 95105 2023-11-02 80% 80th / 107
    10 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 78840 2023-12-01 80% 82th / 111
    11 World Countries of the Northern Hemisphere 61000 2024-01-30 80% 86th / 108
    12 World Cities of the World 131320 2023-12-18 90% 133th / 165
    13 World Capitals of the World 29212 2023-09-29 90% 119th / 142
    14 America Countries of South America 104488 2023-10-17 90% 130th / 153
    15 America Cities of South America 90479 2024-02-02 90% 89th / 101
    16 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 84229 2024-02-11 90% 121th / 142
    17 USA U.S. Cities 46845 2023-12-28 90% 131th / 146
    18 Europa Cities of France 58786 2023-09-22 90% 128th / 143
    19 Oceania Countries of Oceania 31116 2023-11-11 100% 117th / 123
    20 World Cities of the World Junior 137455 2024-01-01 100% 129th / 141
    21 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 34993 2023-10-13 100% 121th / 126
    22 World Prefectures of Japan 9500 2023-10-21 100% 76th / 82
    23 UK Cities of U.K. 54886 2023-11-11 100% 102th / 109
    24 USA Quiz : U.S. States 5000 2023-12-01 100% 120th / 122