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Class. top : 5.88%

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A few words about me...

Je vais te dire un truc que tu sais déjà. Le soleil, les arcs en ciel, c’est pas le monde ! Y’a de vraies tempêtes, de lourdes épreuves aussi grand et fort que tu sois la vie te mettra a genoux et te laissera comme ça en permanence si tu la laisses faire. Toi, moi, n’importe qui, personne ne frappe aussi fort que la vie, c’est pas d’être un bon cogneur qui compte, l’important c’est de se faire cogner et d’aller quand même de l’avant, c’est de pouvoir encaisser sans jamais, jamais flancher.

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  • Member since : 05-06-2021

  • Comment(s) : 19

  • Games played : 77
  • Games played (since v5) : 591

  • Number of stars : 190

  • Avg Max Score % : 95.80%

  • In high score lists : 0
  • Is in the favorites of 21 player(s)

  • Tournament participation : 48
  • Tournaments won : 4
  • Tournaments in the top 10 : 18
  • Tournaments in the top 20 : 36
  • Tournaments in the top 50 : 48
  • Tournaments in the top 100 : 48
  • GeoPoints : 15075
  • Honor Roll Ranking : 17


  • 17
  • 10
  • 11
  • 7
  • 6
  Theme Name Best scores Date Top
1 World Physical Geography of the World Junior 245259 2023-11-17 5% 5th / 115
2 Oceania Countries of Oceania 160775 2023-05-18 5% 6th / 123
3 Europa Countries of Europe 190996 2023-05-19 5% 7th / 200
4 America Countries of South America 117981 2023-09-21 5% 3th / 153
5 World Countries of Middle East 163589 2023-06-08 5% 6th / 146
6 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 41919 2023-05-20 5% 8th / 174
7 Europa Countries of E.U 166321 2023-12-08 5% 5th / 170
8 Europa Länder of Germany 148518 2023-10-27 5% 3th / 114
9 UK Regions of Scotland 142705 2023-05-20 5% 5th / 113
10 World Federal Districts of Russia 232863 2023-08-18 5% 1th / 62
11 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 171012 2023-04-29 5% 2th / 101
12 Canada Provinces of Canada 143191 2023-05-14 5% 6th / 159
13 World The Arctic 243909 2023-05-19 5% 1th / 89
14 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 221762 2023-04-29 5% 1th / 94
15 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 222413 2023-04-29 5% 3th / 122
16 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - EXPERT 237917 2023-04-28 5% 1th / 74
17 USA What is this state ? 33006 2023-04-25 5% 2th / 156
18 World Capitals of the World 51081 2023-05-19 10% 12th / 142
19 World Flags of the World 57968 2023-05-24 10% 12th / 160
20 USA U.S. States 189409 2023-05-04 10% 12th / 177
21 World Countries of Africa 193501 2023-09-15 10% 13th / 147
22 America Cities of South America 137814 2023-07-28 10% 7th / 101
23 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 96313 2023-05-20 10% 7th / 126
24 Canada Physical Geography of Canada 167392 2021-06-13 10% 6th / 104
25 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 230877 2023-12-22 10% 11th / 132
26 Europa Cities of France 107369 2023-08-11 10% 14th / 143
27 USA Cities of New York 119122 2023-07-21 10% 5th / 82
28 Europa Cities of Europe 100004 2024-03-29 20% 25th / 170
29 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 100884 2023-11-23 20% 17th / 148
30 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 145766 2023-04-25 20% 19th / 123
31 America Countries of Central America 161523 2023-05-04 20% 15th / 110
32 World Countries of Asia 179685 2023-05-20 20% 13th / 129
33 World Cities of Africa 137109 2023-08-25 20% 15th / 113
34 World Countries of the Northern Hemisphere 166394 2023-05-04 20% 12th / 108
35 UK London Boroughs 165770 2021-06-12 20% 10th / 86
36 USA Neighborhoods of Manhattan 162875 2021-06-12 20% 11th / 87
37 Canada Physical Geography of Canada - Expert 174612 2021-06-12 20% 13th / 87
38 World Flags of the World - Expert 56994 2023-05-26 20% 13th / 113
39 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 102134 2023-11-03 30% 25th / 98
40 World Physical Geography of the World 163385 2023-05-22 30% 28th / 128
41 Europa Rivers of Europe 206719 2023-05-04 30% 23th / 95
42 Europa Cities of France - Expert 94406 2024-03-22 30% 29th / 97
43 USA Counties of California 100000 2023-09-29 30% 18th / 73
44 World Antartica 218784 2021-06-24 30% 29th / 101
45 USA Quiz : U.S. States 26240 2023-10-13 30% 25th / 122
46 UK Counties of England 214720 2023-11-10 40% 40th / 108
47 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 98365 2023-12-01 40% 43th / 111
48 World Cities of India - Expert 61279 2023-08-04 40% 26th / 66
49 Europa Regions of France 149431 2022-01-21 40% 2th / 5
50 World Capitals of the World - Expert 41204 2024-02-22 40% 40th / 102
51 USA States Flags 19992 2023-05-03 40% 29th / 96
52 World Cities of the World 175067 2023-06-23 50% 68th / 165
53 World Cities of the World Junior 186336 2023-05-19 50% 63th / 141
54 World Cities of Algeria 46736 2023-05-05 50% 33th / 67
55 Europa Cities of Portugal 97168 2023-05-04 50% 45th / 92
56 Canada Cities of Canada - junior 83815 2021-06-08 50% 43th / 94
57 Europa Regions of Italy 143492 2021-07-02 60% 65th / 113
58 World Cities of Middle East 111099 2023-05-18 60% 59th / 107
59 America Cities of Central America 95427 2023-05-06 60% 52th / 87
60 World Prefectures of Japan 106549 2023-05-26 60% 43th / 82
61 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 92050 2023-05-15 60% 78th / 142
62 USA U.S. Cities 83300 2023-10-06 60% 85th / 146
63 USA U.S. Cities - junior 92544 2023-09-01 60% 64th / 120
64 World Cities of China - Expert 67487 2023-06-29 60% 41th / 71
65 World Cities of Asia 96711 2023-05-03 70% 63th / 103
66 World Cities of Russia 80627 2024-03-08 70% 53th / 76
67 Canada Cities of Canada 61135 2024-05-03 70% 63th / 94
68 Canada Cities of Canada - Expert 51910 2023-06-15 70% 51th / 79
69 Europa Cities of Spain 55813 2024-03-15 80% 77th / 100
70 Oceania Cities of Australia - Junior 45904 2023-05-04 80% 83th / 104
71 Europa Cities of Germany 53142 2023-12-15 90% 79th / 98
72 UK Cities of U.K. - junior 78439 2023-05-14 90% 92th / 110
73 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 64247 2023-05-11 90% 75th / 89