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12 192
Class. top : 17.21%

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  • Member since : 10-05-2023

  • Comment(s) : 2

  • Games played : 44
  • Games played (since v5) : 161

  • Number of stars : 120

  • Avg Max Score % : 100%

  • In high score lists : 0
  • Is in the favorites of 21 player(s)

  • Tournament participation : 23
  • Tournaments won : 5
  • Tournaments in the top 10 : 20
  • Tournaments in the top 20 : 22
  • Tournaments in the top 50 : 23
  • Tournaments in the top 100 : 23
  • GeoPoints : 9550
  • Honor Roll Ranking : 22


  • 4
  • 23
  • 7
  • 5
  • 2
  • 1
  Theme Name Best scores Date Top
1 Europa Regions of Italy 155868 2024-11-01 1% 1th / 113
2 America Countries of Central America 171436 2023-12-28 1% 1th / 110
3 America Countries of South America 118672 2023-09-21 1% 1th / 153
4 Europa Countries of E.U 167559 2023-12-08 1% 1th / 170
5 Europa Cities of Europe 101814 2023-07-01 5% 2th / 170
6 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 101866 2023-05-30 5% 6th / 148
7 World Cities of the World 191984 2023-06-23 5% 6th / 165
8 World Capitals of the World 54846 2023-11-03 5% 2th / 142
9 World Flags of the World 63795 2023-07-10 5% 2th / 160
10 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 104752 2023-11-02 5% 3th / 98
11 Europa Cities of Spain 112683 2023-10-09 5% 2th / 100
12 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 150436 2023-06-12 5% 2th / 123
13 Oceania Countries of Oceania 161821 2023-06-04 5% 3th / 123
14 World Countries of Africa 196936 2023-09-14 5% 7th / 147
15 World Countries of Middle East 166245 2023-06-08 5% 2th / 146
16 Europa Rivers of Europe 235026 2023-10-03 5% 3th / 95
17 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 43923 2023-08-28 5% 5th / 174
18 Europa Länder of Germany 148962 2023-10-25 5% 2th / 114
19 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 96754 2023-06-12 5% 2th / 126
20 World Provinces of China 173495 2023-12-28 5% 2th / 94
21 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 115089 2023-11-27 5% 4th / 111
22 Canada Provinces of Canada 143969 2023-05-25 5% 2th / 159
23 Canada Physical Geography of Canada 169102 2023-06-01 5% 3th / 104
24 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 234084 2023-12-21 5% 2th / 132
25 Canada Physical Geography of Canada - Expert 188119 2023-06-02 5% 2th / 87
26 World Flags of the World - Expert 70636 2023-05-24 5% 2th / 113
27 World The Arctic 240811 2023-05-18 5% 3th / 89
28 Europa Cities of Germany 114070 2023-09-25 10% 9th / 98
29 UK Regions of Scotland 142549 2023-05-14 10% 6th / 113
30 World Prefectures of Japan 179577 2023-07-06 10% 6th / 82
31 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 100427 2023-10-15 10% 10th / 142
32 Europa Cities of France 107630 2024-11-02 10% 10th / 143
33 USA Quiz : U.S. States 33031 2023-10-12 10% 12th / 122
34 USA What is this state ? 24378 2023-05-12 10% 14th / 156
35 World Physical Geography of the World Junior 230751 2023-11-15 20% 16th / 115
36 World Cities of Asia 109595 2024-01-17 20% 13th / 103
37 UK Counties of England 239695 2023-11-08 20% 16th / 108
38 Canada Cities of Canada - junior 94125 2023-06-17 20% 18th / 94
39 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 212942 2023-06-04 20% 15th / 122
40 Canada Cities of Canada 89007 2023-06-17 30% 22th / 94
41 USA States Flags 20720 2024-10-30 30% 27th / 96
42 Canada Cities of Canada - Expert 71009 2023-06-16 40% 25th / 79
43 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 188641 2024-11-08 50% 39th / 94
44 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 65578 2024-11-02 80% 69th / 89