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6 646
Class. top : 24.84%

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    ClemMontFerrand has not completed his profile.

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    • Member since : 11-05-2023

    • Comment(s) : 1

    • Games played : 40
    • Games played (since v5) : 160

    • Number of stars : 89

    • Avg Max Score % : 89.12%

    • In high score lists : 0
    • Is in the favorites of 7 player(s)

    • Tournament participation : 7
    • Tournaments won : 3
    • Tournaments in the top 10 : 5
    • Tournaments in the top 20 : 7
    • Tournaments in the top 50 : 7
    • Tournaments in the top 100 : 7
    • GeoPoints : 2975
    • Honor Roll Ranking : 56


    • 6
    • 12
    • 7
    • 5
    • 1
    • 1
      Theme Name Best scores Date Top
    1 Europa Cities of Europe 102181 2023-09-23 1% 1th / 170
    2 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 102402 2023-09-23 1% 1th / 148
    3 World Countries of Africa 203816 2023-09-14 1% 1th / 147
    4 World Cities of Africa 140103 2023-09-14 1% 1th / 113
    5 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 102299 2023-09-23 1% 1th / 142
    6 World Capitals of the World - Expert 59219 2024-02-23 1% 1th / 102
    7 World Capitals of the World 54423 2023-09-16 5% 3th / 142
    8 World Flags of the World 59294 2023-09-16 5% 8th / 160
    9 USA U.S. States 197357 2023-09-14 5% 3th / 177
    10 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 105650 2023-11-02 5% 1th / 98
    11 World Cities of the World Junior 195189 2024-07-19 5% 7th / 141
    12 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 44141 2023-09-16 5% 3th / 174
    13 USA U.S. Cities 100490 2023-09-16 5% 2th / 146
    14 USA Neighborhoods of Manhattan 165336 2023-09-16 5% 4th / 87
    15 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 100253 2023-09-16 5% 4th / 119
    16 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - EXPERT 221807 2023-09-16 5% 3th / 74
    17 USA States Flags 25825 2024-01-11 5% 2th / 96
    18 USA What is this state ? 25156 2023-09-16 5% 6th / 156
    19 UK Counties of England 246796 2023-09-16 10% 6th / 108
    20 USA U.S. Cities - junior 100321 2023-09-16 10% 7th / 120
    21 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 169298 2023-09-16 10% 7th / 101
    22 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 231287 2023-09-16 10% 9th / 132
    23 World Flags of the World - Expert 57902 2023-09-16 10% 11th / 113
    24 World The Arctic 235413 2023-09-16 10% 5th / 89
    25 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 213352 2023-09-16 10% 6th / 94
    26 UK Regions of Scotland 141315 2023-09-16 20% 18th / 113
    27 Oceania Cities of New Zealand - Junior 86981 2024-04-24 20% 13th / 70
    28 World Antartica 226829 2023-09-16 20% 11th / 101
    29 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 210239 2023-09-16 20% 19th / 122
    30 USA Quiz : U.S. States 29094 2023-05-18 20% 18th / 122
    31 Canada Provinces of Canada 141338 2023-09-16 30% 34th / 159
    32 World Cities of India 96080 2024-06-18 40% 27th / 73
    33 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 80183 2023-05-11 50% 41th / 89
    34 USA Counties of California 18000 2023-09-16 60% 38th / 73
    35 USA Cities of California 45452 2023-09-16 70% 58th / 87
    36 USA Cities of Florida 54522 2023-09-16 80% 52th / 72
    37 USA Counties of New York 14500 2023-09-16 80% 46th / 65
    38 UK London Boroughs 24328 2023-09-16 90% 72th / 86
    39 USA Cities of New York 61280 2023-09-16 90% 69th / 82
    40 USA Cities of Texas 16885 2023-09-16 90% 71th / 82