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A few words about me...

I'm Tristan and my nickname is th7 (my initials and my french department)

I'm an Asperger autist and proud to be

Present on the french website, i'm so happy that geoheroes be back

Bonjour a tous
Moi c'est Tristan et mon pseudo provient de mes initiales plus mon département d'origine (l'Ardèche)

Je suis Autiste Asperger et fier de l'être

Présent sur le site français depuis plus de 10 ans, je suis très content que le site anglais soit de retour

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  • Member since : 16-05-2023

  • Comment(s) : 26

  • Games played : 91
  • Games played (since v5) : 690

  • Number of stars : 249

  • Avg Max Score % : 100%

  • In high score lists : 0
  • Is in the favorites of 30 player(s)

  • Tournament participation : 58
  • Tournaments won : 23
  • Tournaments in the top 10 : 56
  • Tournaments in the top 20 : 57
  • Tournaments in the top 50 : 58
  • Tournaments in the top 100 : 58
  • GeoPoints : 25950
  • Honor Roll Ranking : 4


  • 7
  • 40
  • 19
  • 16
  • 2
  Theme Name Best scores Date Top
1 USA U.S. Cities 100680 2023-10-06 1% 1th / 146
2 USA U.S. Cities - junior 101399 2023-09-01 1% 1th / 120
3 World Physical Geography of the World 242689 2023-07-14 1% 1th / 128
4 Canada Physical Geography of Canada 171849 2024-02-22 1% 1th / 104
5 Europa Physical Geography of Europe 97324 2024-05-31 1% 1th / 126
6 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 235911 2023-12-22 1% 1th / 132
7 World Countries of the Northern Hemisphere 182562 2024-01-26 1% 1th / 108
8 Europa Cities of Europe 101691 2024-03-29 5% 5th / 170
9 World Capitals of the World 52907 2023-07-10 5% 5th / 142
10 USA U.S. States 191977 2023-05-17 5% 6th / 177
11 Europa Cities of Spain 112364 2024-03-15 5% 4th / 100
12 World Physical Geography of the World Junior 254820 2023-11-15 5% 2th / 115
13 USA Neighborhoods of Manhattan 173354 2024-04-18 5% 2th / 87
14 America Countries of Central America 170150 2024-06-19 5% 2th / 110
15 World Countries of Africa 203085 2023-09-15 5% 2th / 147
16 Europa Countries of Europe 193772 2023-05-24 5% 4th / 200
17 World Countries of Asia 187797 2023-05-17 5% 2th / 129
18 America Countries of South America 116228 2023-09-20 5% 7th / 153
19 World Countries of Middle East 164714 2023-06-08 5% 5th / 146
20 Canada Cities of Canada 96470 2023-09-04 5% 2th / 94
21 Canada Cities of Canada - junior 97285 2024-06-06 5% 2th / 94
22 Canada Cities of Canada - Expert 96247 2023-06-16 5% 3th / 79
23 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 223463 2023-10-20 5% 2th / 122
24 World Antartica 229955 2024-05-15 5% 2th / 101
25 World The Arctic 239901 2023-05-19 5% 4th / 89
26 Europa Cities of Germany 114843 2023-12-14 5% 4th / 98
27 Europa Länder of Germany 148120 2023-10-26 5% 4th / 114
28 America Cities of South America 139615 2023-07-28 5% 3th / 101
29 World Cities of Asia 110748 2024-01-19 5% 4th / 103
30 World Cities of Africa 139173 2023-05-17 5% 5th / 113
31 Oceania Cities of Australia - Junior 125261 2024-02-29 5% 5th / 104
32 World Capitals of the World - Expert 57904 2024-02-22 5% 2th / 102
33 USA Counties of California 192796 2023-09-29 5% 1th / 73
34 USA Cities of New York 121598 2023-07-21 5% 1th / 82
35 Europa Cities of France 108835 2023-08-11 5% 3th / 143
36 World Cities of India 117617 2024-05-23 5% 2th / 73
37 UK Counties of England 249388 2023-11-09 5% 3th / 108
38 World Cities of Russia 133707 2024-03-08 5% 1th / 76
39 World Cities of China 134513 2024-04-25 5% 1th / 73
40 World Provinces of China 173684 2023-12-29 5% 1th / 94
41 UK London Boroughs 175063 2024-01-04 5% 2th / 86
42 World Cities of Japan - Expert 115882 2024-04-11 5% 1th / 66
43 World Cities of China - Expert 134283 2023-06-30 5% 1th / 71
44 World Prefectures of Japan 186592 2023-07-06 5% 1th / 82
45 Canada Physical Geography of Canada - Expert 192850 2024-02-16 5% 1th / 87
46 Europa Cities of Scandinavia 115037 2023-11-30 5% 5th / 111
47 Europa Cities of Portugal 115550 2024-02-09 5% 4th / 92
48 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 101400 2023-11-24 10% 9th / 148
49 UK Cities of U.K. - junior 115221 2024-05-10 10% 9th / 110
50 World Cities of Mediterranean Sea 104650 2023-11-02 10% 5th / 98
51 Europa Regions of Italy 153064 2023-05-18 10% 9th / 113
52 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 148049 2023-05-17 10% 12th / 123
53 USA Rivers of the U.S.A. 167419 2023-06-18 10% 10th / 101
54 Oceania Countries of Oceania 159985 2023-05-17 10% 9th / 123
55 Europa Rivers of Europe 229530 2023-05-17 10% 8th / 95
56 World Cities of Tunisia 109768 2024-03-30 10% 5th / 68
57 Europa Capitals and Flags of Europe 40340 2023-05-17 10% 11th / 174
58 Europa Countries of E.U 165178 2023-12-07 10% 10th / 170
59 USA States Flags 23243 2024-01-12 10% 6th / 96
60 America Cities of Central America 110098 2023-05-17 10% 8th / 87
61 USA Counties of New York 182892 2023-05-17 10% 5th / 65
62 Oceania Cities of Australia 122063 2024-06-12 10% 5th / 83
63 Europa Cities of France - Expert 106016 2024-03-22 10% 5th / 97
64 UK Regions of Scotland 142299 2024-06-27 10% 7th / 113
65 World Federal Districts of Russia 223771 2023-05-19 10% 5th / 62
66 Canada Provinces of Canada 142932 2023-05-17 10% 13th / 159
67 World Cities of the World 188746 2023-05-19 20% 17th / 165
68 World Flags of the World 53721 2023-05-27 20% 20th / 160
69 Europa Cities of Italy 106365 2023-12-13 20% 12th / 99
70 World Cities of the World Junior 192261 2023-05-19 20% 21th / 141
71 World Cities of Algeria 101344 2024-04-04 20% 12th / 67
72 USA What is this state ? 24031 2023-05-17 20% 17th / 156
73 USA Quiz : U.S. States 29401 2023-07-14 20% 16th / 122
74 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - EXPERT 214992 2023-06-18 20% 10th / 74
75 World Cities of Middle East 122824 2023-05-17 20% 11th / 107
76 World Flags of the World - Expert 54249 2023-05-24 20% 17th / 113
77 USA Cities of Texas 77655 2024-02-23 20% 14th / 82
78 World Cities of India - Expert 111326 2023-08-05 20% 9th / 66
79 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 98535 2024-07-12 20% 15th / 119
80 World Cities of the World Expert 188486 2023-05-25 20% 15th / 122
81 Europa Cities of Europe Expert 99417 2023-05-25 20% 22th / 142
82 World States of India 222262 2023-05-19 20% 13th / 91
83 World Cities of Morocco 73453 2024-05-10 40% 35th / 89
84 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. 189367 2023-06-18 40% 37th / 94
85 Oceania Cities of New Zealand - Junior 54094 2024-03-16 50% 34th / 70
86 World Cities of Japan 105306 2023-05-22 50% 35th / 72
87 UK Cities of U.K. 96191 2023-07-08 50% 52th / 109
88 Oceania Cities of New Zealand 47849 2023-11-13 60% 34th / 66
89 USA Cities of Florida 70421 2024-03-05 60% 39th / 72
90 USA Cities of California 69476 2023-09-29 60% 44th / 87
91 UK Cities of U.K. - Expert 70239 2023-07-08 70% 59th / 89