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5 240
Class. top : 28.1%

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  • +200 Good answer to a mystery image
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  • Member since : 18-05-2023

  • Comment(s) : 10

  • Games played : 26
  • Games played (since v5) : 61

  • Number of stars : 50

  • Avg Max Score % : 80.42%

  • In high score lists : 0
  • Is in the favorites of 10 player(s)

  • Tournament participation : 4
  • Tournaments won : 0
  • Tournaments in the top 10 : 0
  • Tournaments in the top 20 : 0
  • Tournaments in the top 50 : 4
  • Tournaments in the top 100 : 4
  • GeoPoints : 900
  • Honor Roll Ranking : 89


  • 1
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  • 2
  Theme Name Best scores Date Top
1 Europa Aut. Communities of Spain 148518 2024-09-27 10% 8th / 123
2 UK Regions of Scotland 141421 2023-05-21 20% 16th / 113
3 World Antartica 223175 2023-07-17 20% 17th / 101
4 World The Arctic 231564 2023-07-27 20% 9th / 89
5 World Countries of Asia 170179 2023-06-23 30% 29th / 129
6 America Countries of South America 112971 2023-06-14 30% 43th / 153
7 Canada Provinces of Canada 140236 2023-05-21 40% 52th / 159
8 USA What is this state ? 22216 2023-07-26 40% 49th / 156
9 World Cities of the World 171775 2023-06-22 50% 79th / 165
10 Europa Countries of E.U 154348 2023-05-28 50% 82th / 170
11 USA U.S. States 160052 2023-07-26 60% 101th / 177
12 Europa Cities of Europe 93425 2023-07-03 70% 105th / 170
13 Europa Cities of Europe Junior 97033 2023-06-20 70% 93th / 148
14 World Countries of Middle East 147566 2023-06-08 70% 88th / 146
15 UK London Boroughs 60570 2023-05-28 70% 57th / 86
16 USA Cities of Texas 25250 2023-07-26 70% 57th / 82
17 USA Counties of New York 33511 2024-09-27 70% 41th / 65
18 World Cities of the World Junior 163064 2023-06-14 80% 109th / 141
19 World Cities of Africa 119005 2023-06-20 80% 89th / 113
20 Canada Provinces & Main Cities of Canada 153087 2023-06-14 80% 105th / 132
21 USA Physical Geography of the U.S.A. - Junior 97407 2023-07-26 80% 87th / 122
22 USA Cities of New York 48072 2023-07-21 90% 73th / 82
23 USA States Flags 9947 2023-05-21 90% 81th / 96
24 USA U.S. Cities 42529 2023-06-27 100% 132th / 146
25 USA U.S. Cities - Expert 39702 2023-05-21 100% 112th / 119