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Comments : Le_Petit_Prince


@Marcellus : Hi, I'm sorry about the admins response but here it is:
''With an average of less than 200 visits per day, any effort is wasted. We won't be doing anything more about it...''
So there will be no more tournaments.


@Etircopyh N2: The early programming of the mystery images came to an end last week. It was reconvisioned on the French site but not the English site. I have reported the problem.


@Olivier fix Geo Heroes!!! : Olivier n'est pas l'admin de GeoHeroes


@Hypocrite : The problem is known, but the admin responsible for the site is currently on holiday until Monday. Be patient !


@Etircopyh N1 : It's a copy and paste from the French site, so there's no need to be outraged. For the moment, the English site isn't a great success, so we haven't invested much time in improving it.


I don't think it's negligence, there was a similar problem on JH that caused a problem when a tournament overlapped 2 different months.


@Marcellus : Sur le site espagnol, il y a plus de 100 000 joueurs qui ont fait des scores (12 clubs actifs d'aprĂšs la liste des clubs), plus de 10 000 joueurs pour le site allemand (11 clubs actifs), plus de 10 000 joueurs pour le site italien (11 clubs actifs).
Sur Geohereos, il y a seulement 200 joueurs qui ont fini une partie ou plus. Aussi, au niveau des tournois, il y a 30 joueurs en moyenne qui participent (87 qui ont déjà participé une fois) ce qui est relativement peu malgré qu'ils soient disponibles gratuitement.
Je ne pense pas qu'on puisse ainsi le comparer avec les autres sites pour le moment niveau activité malgré le fait qu'il a un plus gros potentiel selon moi. Mais le nom du site est moins parlant dans les moteurs de recherche aussi.

On the Spanish site, there are more than 100,000 players who have scored (12 active clubs according to the list of clubs), more than 10,000 players on the German site (11 active clubs), more than 10,000 players on the Italian site (11 active clubs).
On Geohereos, only 200 players have finished a game or more. Also, when it comes to tournaments, an average of 30 players are taking part (87 of whom have already played once), which is relatively few despite the fact that they are available free of charge.
I don't think you can compare it with other sites at the moment in terms of activity, despite the fact that I think it has greater potential. But the name of the site is less obvious in search engines too.


@XY et @Marcellus : J'ai rĂ©pondu plus bas dans cette mĂȘme page Ă  TOTO et dans plusieurs messages privĂ©s de demande Ă  ce sujet.
Les clubs demandent trop de ressources pour le peu de joueurs présent sur le site actuellement. Surtout que la version premium n'est pas présente ici (contrairement au site français). Les clubs sont déjà présents techniquement mais restent caché pour les utilisateurs pour éviter son utilisation qui demande des ressources et les ressources demandent de l'argent.
Je ne réponds pas en tant qu'administrateur mais de modérateur sur le site.

I've replied to TOTO below on this same page and in several private messages asking about this.
The clubs are asking for too many resources for the small number of players currently on the site. Especially as the premium version is not available here (unlike the French site). The clubs are already technically present but remain hidden from users to avoid using them, which requires resources and resources require money.
I'm not responding as an administrator but as a moderator on the site.


@TOTO : Trop peu de monde sur le site, cela demande trop de ressources pour si peu d'activitĂ© donc pas de si tĂŽt, ça couterait trop cher pour maintenir le site (mĂȘme si techniquement ils sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sent sur le site)


@Etircopyh n°1 : I don't think it's a bad idea to earn points by having the best all-round score, but at the moment there aren't many people on the site. It's relatively easy to beat the best score several times on certain games.


@Etircopyh n°1 : On the French site, you can create clubs with chat rooms and club tournaments with rankings. At the moment, they are not officially on this site because there are not many people yet and it takes up a lot of resources.
In fact, it's a copy and paste of the old text on the French site, which is a pay site with new games added regularly. That's why it doesn't make sense.


@KBush : Oh yes, I see, that's a subtle correction.


@KBush : Are you talking about here?


@KBush : The site was built quickly using the basics of the old, rather outdated version. There are still a lot of bugs and inconsistencies, particularly in the . If you'd like to help with the corrections, you can contact me by private message.


@$IM0N0 : C'est pas du tout l'endroit pour faire sa pub, je pense que tu le sais bien.
Je te souhaite tout de mĂȘme de continuer ta chaine de dessin qui a l'air de te passionner.


@KBush : They did apologise for the error on the French site, but not on the English site.


@KBush : What rankings are you talking about?


@KBush : The first comments on the site are fakes, they were generated by an admin simply to improve the site's visibility, so that's why the explanation as to why they didn't play any games.


@KBush : Exactly, and if you play a game in the Europe section, you'll get an extra point in the "Plays Canada Played" challenge!
I'm sending the bug back to the admins, and it should be fixed.
Thanks for the comment


The English version is finally back! So good! Thanks a lot developers!

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