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Comments : ZagrosfromAfrin


@XY : Thank you so much Dear XY: I'm 58 years old,I'm employee and I 'm master of Economics, besides of Economics I love geography, history, FSX, I 'll try severely improve my skills in every issue with every tools or devices including Geography with this game, I work to improve, but not with cheating or fake or using with two or more profile here and there like some people that they do, this is not my way and from aspect my ethical is not true and I'm personally disagree with this type of working, yeah it is true, for two or three years I played in jeux-geographiques, but after this website had limitation for players that weren't premium, I exited this website and now I don't work there anymore.and after beginning activity website I only participate in this channel and I'm not play anywhere, this was all things that I said to you. I hope all of player to be success and happy.

sincerely yours


@XY : dear XY, maybe some people play with two or more profile, but this is not my way, this type of method it is not confirm by me.


@Decepcionada : No I don't have doubt about myself. if you have a skeptical,it is your problem. I'm so sorry for you.


@Calimera : first of all, you should here English not other languages, second go and more practice.


@Calimera : Calm down, take it easy, I practice it before it in otherwhere and other time, do't surprise, I practice more than what you think.


@Calimera : No there is no fake or cheet, only I 'll more try, you can do it, if you want.


@Etircopyh n°1: Congratulation to you too, I don't have time for play more. before on, I got a score of more than 118000. see you later in the next game.

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