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Comments : Etircopyh N2

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* Jeux-GĂ©o


Congratulations to you Calimera for your second tournament won!
Nice score that ranks you 3rd of all time on this card.
Bravo also to the regulars and who are always present and a
thought for those who have lost their access to the site as a
result of the migration of Jeux-GĂ©o and who are deprived of tournament.
Felicidades a ti Calimera por tu segundo torneo ganado!
Buen resultado que te coloca 3o de todos los tiempos en esta tarjeta.
Bravo también a los habituales y que están siempre presentes y un
pensamiento para aquellos que han perdido su acceso al sitio como
resultado de la migraciĂłn de los juegos-geo y que se ven privados de torneo.


Hi Calimera, how are you?


@tsatho : When you write that you were very lucky, do you mean that you got a very favorable draw from the cities?


Hello OleGilde, good tournament to you and all!


@OleGilde & tsatho : Bravo OleGilde for your beautiful silver medal!
Congratulations to tsatho for his gold medal and entry into the tournament winners' pantheon!


So che non hai piĂą accesso al tuo account''XY'' su GeoHeroes.


Certo, non è su ''GeoHeroes'' che volevo mandarvi un MP, è su ''''.


Signor XY, non posso inviarle un messaggio privato perché il suo pseudonimo di due caratteri è irrintracciabile nell'elenco a discesa che richiede almeno tre caratteri.
Mi mandi uno? Così potrei, rispondendoti, scriverti un messaggio...


* No more, no more, no more


* No more, no more, no more


@EdMar : Edge or any other browser is not involved. The site is not working properly for two weeks and its migration to a new server.


More access to their account for certain players, more game statistics, more comments on the games page, no more tournament, no more button to report a problem... more than our eyes to cry!

Plus d'accès à leur compte pour certains joueurs, plus de statistiques de jeu, plus de commentaire sur la page des jeux, plus de tournoi, plus de bouton pour rapporter un problème... plus que nos yeux pour pleurer !


More access to their account for certain players, more game statistics, more comments on the games page, no more tournament, no more button to report a problem... more than our eyes to cry!

Plus d'accès à leur compte pour certains joueurs, plus de statistiques de jeu, plus de commentaire sur la page des jeux, plus de tournoi, plus de bouton pour rapporter un problème... plus que nos yeux pour pleurer !


@Le_Petit_Prince : More access to their account for certain players, more game statistics, more comments on the games page, no more tournament, no more button to report a problem... more than our eyes to cry!

Plus d'accès à leur compte pour certains joueurs, plus de statistiques de jeu, plus de commentaire sur la page des jeux, plus de tournoi, plus de bouton pour rapporter un problème... plus que nos yeux pour pleurer !


Bravo OleGilde for your great performance at the hedomadaire tournament. I’m sorry for having you on the first place but I’m very proud because I beat one of the best competitors. We both deserve three stars in this game about the cities of Texas!


Welcome to the club XY!
Where there's life, there's hope.
Etircopy N1

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